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College Club Logo (Engineering Trek)
Engineering Trek
International & Multicultural
etrek is an annual trip for University of Michigan Engineering Graduate Students to Israel to explore the unique technical and academic community and experience Israel's unique culture. Approximately 30 graduate engineering students will be granted the opportunity to explore Israel's facademic and tech communities and the rich culture by means of a one week trip throughout Israel. Participants will visit the Israel's premier technical university, Technion, in Haifa, the vibrant start-up community in Tel-Aviv, and the innovative ways that Israel manages the water in the Israeli desert, the Negev. Furthermore, participants will have the opportunity to see rich history in Caesarea, visit important religious sites in Jerusalem and more! Visit our website, etrekMichigan.org, for more information on this year's trek.
General members : Members : ###
 /  Board members :  /  Board : ###
Contact : etrekMichigan@umich.edu
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Keywords :
# Graduate/Professional
# Science/Technology/Engineering
# Cultural/Ethnic