Are you looking for a volunteer opportunity that engages youth in Detroit? If so, Give Merit’s mentorship program, FATE, is looking for University of Michigan students to become mentors! WHO WE ARE Our student organization, “FATE”, is a collection of students who recruit and participate as mentors for the FATE program (facilitated by a non-profit organization called Give Merit) located in Detroit. Give Merit exists to enhance and extend educational opportunities to Detroit youth through innovative enrichment and mentorship activities. Since 2012, Give Merit has worked intensively with Detroit high school students through its FATE program. THE FATE PROGRAM FATE is a four-year, cohort-based program for high school students in Detroit who attend the Jalen Rose Leadership Academy. Its mission is to provide resources and opportunities for Detroit youth to embrace education and become world-class citizens, with a goal to motivate each student to graduate high school and attend college. CURRICULUMThe four-year curriculum features four capstone projects which include creating a marketing / advertising campaign, designing their own Merit product collection, planning and executing a city-wide charity event in Detroit - check out this video about "FATE In Our Stars" (video), and participating in rotational internships as a youth-driven marketing firm. The curriculum is complemented by ongoing soft-skill building activities and regular excursion workshops where students are exposed to a variety of local / national organizations such as Zingerman’s, Google, Carhartt, and Plante Moran. BEING A MENTORAs mentors, we are paired with 1-2 mentees for the entire year which offers a lot of opportunities for relationship building. The purpose of the mentorship component of the FATE program is to provide guidance and support to our mentees throughout the year. We help facilitate workshop activities where students learn skills in business, marketing, and design thinking while also supporting our mentees as they develop personally and academically. We do our best to demystify the college experience by talking to them about our majors, our extracurricular activities, and what we hope to do after graduation. JOIN US!We are looking for students who are interested in making an impact in their community and investing in the lives of youth by becoming a mentor! Mentors will be assigned to one cohort (9th - 12th grade) and will attend programming on a weekly basis in Detroit! Transportation can be provided if needed. Check out this video to learn more about the FATE Program (video) and this video to learn more about the mentor experience! (video) For more details about mentorship, please contact us at