Since its inaugural performance at Festifall, 1999, FunKtion has been dedicated to bringing its talent and energy to the University of Michigan campus and beyond. When the initial ten members of FunKtion first combined their forces like Voltron, they had a vision of a multi-cultural group that would bring family-style fun to the masses. Proving that "guys have rhythm" was not the hardest part however. It was the late nights (practicing at Angell Hall, the Diag, the CCRB, or anywhere with some space and an electrical outlet) and the early mornings squeezed in-between the crush of academic and social commitments that truly showed us the importance of dance and brotherhood. All the hard work paid off each and every year, as FunKtion quickly grew into a recognizable entity. FunKtion has been invited to perform at various events such as Festifall, A Taste of Culture, Encompass, Dance Marathon, Michigan Homecoming, Greek Week, KSA, Sixth Day, Celebrasia, Noir Fashion Show, Pioneer High School, 58 Greene concerts, Dance Mix, and a Detroit Pistons game. In its short history, FunKtion has traveled from the Midwest (UIUC, GVSU, Northwestern, opening for Jocelyn Enriquez) to the East Coast (Columbia for ECASU), opening for JCole. and it only gets bigger as FunKtion continually works to expand its repertoire and its presence. The FunKtion family is reaching towards you with open arms and shuffling feet. Come support us wherever the bass reverberates and the boys dance.We dance. You scream. FunKtion on three...