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College Club Logo (Girls Who Code at UM DCMB)
Girls Who Code at UM DCMB
Founded by current doctoral students in the Department of Computational Medicine and Bioinformatics (DCMB) at the University of Michigan, our Girls Who Code club seeks to provide a collaborative and supportive environment for high schoolers of all skills levels and backgrounds interested in learning how to code. Due to the research expertise of our graduate student Facilitators, our Club curriculum is focused on computational data analysis and the Python programming language. Participants will learn core coding concepts and implement their new skills in a data science capstone project of their choosing.We also plan and volunteer at various science K-undergraduate outreach opportunities in the greater Ann Arbor area. We launched a Data Science Summer Experience in Detroit in summer 2019. For more information please visit our website http://umich.edu/~girlswc.
General members : Members : ###
 /  Board members :  /  Board : ###
Contact : elysian@umich.edu
Checkbox (selected) Preferred Skills :
Keywords :
# Science/Technology/Engineering
# Service/Service Learning