Cooperative movements, including the ICC, have a long history. Here ( you can find more information about the Inter-Cooperative Council in Ann Arbor as well as links to other cooperatives. We suggest that you use the official ICC website ( to find information beyond the brief description below. We are the ICC, one of the largest student housing cooperatives in the country. We were established in 1932 by students and since that time we have successfully provided affordable, quality housing to thousands of students from around the world.Today approximately 550 members belong to our co-op and they collectively own and manage 21 properties. The properties are comprised of 16 houses, of these properties are the houses that we live in and the the Moses Coady/Paulo Friere Education Center for our members and the community and the Rochdale Center office space for both our members and staff.Students created the co-ops to meet their own needs, thus the ICC offers eight month Fall/Winter, 4 month Fall or Winter, and 2 or 4 month Spring/Summer contracts. Our houses range in size from 12 to 180 members. The average Central Campus house holds about 30 people.Escher Co-op on North Campus attracts a large graduate student population and a sizable international student population. The Central Campus co-ops are home to is a large, diverse crowd. Because co-ops are open to all students, each house is made up of members from a wide variety of backgrounds, interests, and academic programs. What brings us together is our dedication to create the best living atmosphere possible.Most houses are quite social. There are often ICC-wide parties at one house or another. Houses get together to play IM soccer, go apple picking, bowling, or ice skating—the list goes on and on.The ICC houses are more than just places to sleep and eat. Though our mission commits us to affordable housing, for many of our members it is the community that makes all the difference.