Type of Organization. The Society is primarily a professional, honorary, service organization advocating the support of aerospace power. 1.3.1. Professional. AAS is “professional” because of the established intent of its members to become officers in the USAF and USSF. AAS strives to instill an attitude of selfless dedication to and responsibility for fulfillment of the mission of the USAF, USSF, AFROTC, and AAS. 1.3.2. Honorary. AAS is “honorary” because of the obligation of all Active Members to honor and remember all those who have gone before and served this country. 1.3.3. Service. AAS is a “service” organization because of the contributions and assistance provided to the community, campus, and officer commissioning programs. 1.4. Vision Statement. “Develop proactive leaders; remain loyal to the ideals of the Arnold Air Society; foster a synergistic society through selfless service of our dedicated members.”