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College Club Logo (Korean-American Scientists and Engineers Association)
Korean-American Scientists and Engineers Association
Korean-American Scientists and Engineers Association(KSEA) was established in 1971 as a non-profit professional organization. Today, it has grown to over 3000 registered members with 67 local Chapters (including four branches) and 14 technical groups across the United States (www.ksea.org). KSEA YG group at the University of Michigan was established by groups of students back in 2011 to give young, intelligent students opportunities to connect with professionals and develop a broader career foundation as scientists and engineers. KSEA at the University of Michigan strives to achieve these objectives by:1. Promoting academic networking and fellowship among Korean-American students and professionals engaged in engineering, science, and related fields.2. Providing job and internship opportunities to prepare young professionals for a successful career.3. Promoting the application of science and technology for the benefits of society4. Building up international cooperation among Korean-Americans.KSEA has prepared several events for members to participate in. These events include: 1. National conferences to provide an opportunity to extend personal networkings with renowned speakers and professionals. 2. Scholarship and internship programs in the United States and Korea.3. Activities to promote friendship and fellowship among the members.4. Joint Conferences with other KSEA YG groups.5. Career workshops and seminars with professors to reach a better understanding of ways to succeed in related fields.*Membership is open to any interested undergraduate students who are currently/planning to major/minor in science, engineering, and related fields at the University of Michigan.*
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Contact : minjunan@umich.edu
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# Cost: $0/Semester
# Time Commitment: 1 - 2 hours/week
# Joining Process: Automatic Acceptance
# Academic/Honor Societies
# Science/Technology/Engineering
# Cultural/Ethnic