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College Club Logo (LEAPS Socials and Services)
LEAPS Socials and Services
International & Multicultural
LEAPS Socials and Services is a student organization that aims to create a diverse, equitable, and inclusive community targeted for both Learning, Equity, and Problem Solving for the Public Good (LEAPS) students and Ann Arbor students through various community bonding events on both the Marygrove and Ann Arbor campuses at the University of Michigan. Most events will take place on the Marygrove campus. These events include cultural dinners where students of all backgrounds can learn about their fellow members’ cultural upbrings and identities. Trips to Downtown Detroit to learn more about the city LEAPS students live in, as well as more laid-back meetings where we can play sports or board games around the Florent-Gillet Hall. Members will also participate in different activities to learn more information about each other’s cultural background.
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Keywords :
# Cultural/Ethnic
# Service/Service Learning