The Mission of LSA Student Government is to;"actively seek the voices of LSA students and advocate their interests to improve academic and non-academic life," - LSA Student Government Constitution, Article II.LSASG has four main responsibilities to LSA students:Changing Policy: LSA SG will seek a continuous role for LSA students in College policy and decision-making when student interests are involved.For example: LSA SG has lobbied on behalf of student interest on such issues as setting a precedent of exam-free election days.Improving Well-Being: LSA SG works to improve the quality of both academic and non-academic life for the students of LSA.For example: LSASG hosts a Study Break event during exam weeks, offering free items, including Green Books and food. Protecting Rights: LSA SG protects the rights of LSA students.For example: LSA SG advocated on behalf of a Gender-Neutral Housing option.Representing Students: LSA SG serves as the representative voice of LSA students pertaining to academics and their general welfare both on and around campus.For example: LSA SG worked with administration to create the International Studies Minor due to growing demand from LSA students.