The primary mission of Medical Students of Middle-Eastern Descent (MSMD) is to serve the Middle-Eastern population both in this country and in the Middle-East. Founded in 2004 by three first year medical students, MSMD has become an established, recognized student organization in the UMMS, Ann Arbor, and Southeast Michigan communities. The group has three main goals: (1) to raise awareness of Middle-Eastern health among the medical community, (2) to increase medical access for Middle-Easterners living in the United States and the Middle East, and (3) to increase the opportunities in the medical field for students of Middle-Eastern Descent. In addition, MSMD is also affiliated with the National Arab American Medical Association (NAAMA), a national organization with a similar mission, serving both Arab and Arab-American communities. MSMD provides opportunities for service, medical education, health screenings, and mentorship.