Interested in applying for the Fall 2024 semester? Add your name to the interest form here!Michigan Advertising and Marketing (MAM) is a student-led organization that provides members with hands-on marketing and creative design experience through work with local Ann Arbor businesses. MAM presents an opportunity for students of all academic backgrounds to experience action-based learning and develop their professional skills to be equipped to successfully recruit for various post-graduation professions. Our demanding projects, unique array of clients, and relationships with top companies like Google, PepsiCo, Anheuser-Busch, etc. create an immersive local and global experience that is unparalleled by other clubs on campus.In addition to weekly client team meetings where students work on marketing/design services for their assigned business, MAM hosts club-wide social and professional events throughout the semester. Recruitment occurs twice a year at the beginning of the Fall and Winter Semesters, and requires all prospective members to apply.Our mission statement is as follows: Michigan Advertising & Marketing Club (MAM) cultivates a diverse community of creative thinkers and passionate leaders who empower businesses in Ann Arbor and beyond. Michigan Advertising & Marketing (MAM) exists to help the community. We just happen to provide marketing assistance. Feel free to contact any member of the MAM executive board with your questions:President: Raina Gebara - rngebara@umich.eduVice President - Internal Relations/Strategy: Isabella Xu - isaxu@umich.eduVice President - External Relations/Strategy: Kolten Gusman - kgusman@umich.eduVice President - Operations/Tech: Jake Frederick - jakefred@umich.eduVice President - Client Relations: Stone Lee - stonelee@umich.eduVice President - Client Relations: Ananya Bhavsar - ananyab@umich.eduVice President - Client Relations: Clare Hong - clarehg@umich.eduVice President - Creative Strategy: Aarya Padhye - aaryap@umich.eduVice President - Creative Strategy: Taylor Hartley - taylorhk@umich.eduVice President - Market Research: Sayoni Bandyopadhyay - sayonib@umich.eduVice President - Market Research: Bridget Liston - bliston@umich.eduVice President - Marketing: Sharra Kutty - sharra@umich.eduSenior Advisor: Yasmine Yavinsky -