The Michigan Emergency Medical Services Club (MEMSC) provides educational, volunteer, research, and career opportunities to University of Michigan students curious in pursuing a career in healthcare or the prehospital field. The two main objectives of MEMSC is to educate the general public by hosting events and teaching courses on campus, and to spark interest in medicine as a whole. MEMSC currently has over 100 active members, 40+ of whom are licensed EMTs. MEMSC takes pride in providing quality education for our members and the greater U of M community. We believe that education is one of the most important aspects in developing responder skills, and one of the best ways to connect with our community on a more personal level. The Michigan EMS Club offers a range of educational classes such as Stop the Bleed, CPR/AED/BLS certification (through the AHA), and first aid courses to not only club members, but the greater Michigan community. Our club maintains a close relationship with Huron Valley Ambulance, a local private EMS agency, to facilitate the training, certification, and service of emergency medical technicians at Huron Valley Ambulance. Through HVA, we have certified approximately 15 EMTs through a dedicated course for U of M students. In addition, many EMS Club members have graduated from HVA's EMT program. We have also recently partnered with HVA to assist in a volunteer program in which non-certified members can assist EMTs at local U of M events and ride along in an ambulance to spark further interest in becoming a first responder. During the academic year, the club hosts monthly mass meetings where members get together to announce updates, collaborate on projects, and learn various prehospital skills. In these meetings, members can learn about research and further career opportunities. Many members now work on the M-RISE project, which aims to improve neurological outcomes following cardiac arrest, and the Toyota Drone Study, which seeks ways to improve the accessibility of EMS supplies in the field via the use of a drone. MEMSC also aims to increase career interest in meetings by bringing in a variety of guest speakers. Over the past 2 years, MEMSC has been pleased to host guest speakers with many agencies and individuals including: Ann Arbor Fire Department, HVA Dispatch, HVA Public Relations, HVA MICU paramedics, the Washtenaw/Livingston Medical Control Authority, Washtenaw County Hazmat, and multiple medical students completing residency in emergency medicine. Guest Speakers give presentations, offer advice, and bring in interactive medical equipment to spark greater interest in emergency medicine/EMS. Through the various opportunities we provide at MEMSC, we hope to build and foster interest in the prehospital field of medicine.