The Michigan Journal of Medicine (MJM) is a peer-reviewed, student-led organization designed to highlight the professional student body at the University of Michigan and publish high-quality biomedical, translational, and clinical research to the scientific community at large. This journal is focused on helping future physician-scientists develop a leadership portfolio within the publishing community and become familiar with the review process. Submissions are solicited from members of several graduate programs including, but not limited to, students within the school of medicine, dentistry, nursing, public policy, and social work. All submissions are required to have one health professions student as a co-author.Every step of the review process is addressed by a current student at the University of Michigan Medical School. Once an article is submitted to the MJM, it is given to a team of three to four reviewers and an editor. Reviewers independently assess the manuscript within a given deadline and come together with their editor to discuss the necessary changes that need to be made prior to publication. The executive editor and editor-in-chief review the manuscript and make a final decision on publication.