Where: Michigan Union; Room switches each week. Please see email that goes out every week for room. When: 6-8pm every WednesdayWhat: We teach students how to knit and/or crochet. All projects made with club supplies are donated to those in need. During weekly meetings, students knit, crochet, and converse for two hours. Meetings are not mandatory. The club provides all knitting/crocheting supplies (yarn, needles, crochet hooks, etc). To take a project home, a deposit of $5 for yarn and $5 for the needles/crochet hook ($10 total) is required. The money is returned after the completion of the project. This way, students who want to learn to knit/crochet can without needing to invest money in supplies. We accept students of all skill levels, from I-have-never-picked-up-yarn-before beginners to I-am-on-my-fifteenth-sweater experts. Although most projects are for charity donations, the club also welcomes folks who want to work on their own personal projects in a group setting. Why: Create goods to warm the local community and learn/expand crafty skillsIf you would like to set up a time to sign out materials, or if you want to donate items you have knit or crocheted (or items like food products or toiletries) to homeless shelters without joining Mknit, or for any other questions/comments/concerns, please feel free to contact Jillian Dore at jdore@umich.edu