Motley Crew at the University of Michigan is a student organization dedicated to enriching the lives of children with disabilities and their families by organizing, volunteering at, and hosting themed events at a variety of facilities in Southeast Michigan. We work with the Down Syndrome Support Team, Down Syndrome Guild of Southeast Michigan, Penrickton Center for Blind Children, Children's Hospital of Michigan at the Detroit Medical Center, and more.In addition to volunteering, Motley Crew strongly values membership commitment, membership bonding, and community. As such, we host numerous social gatherings for members throughout the semester such as blanket making, pumpkin painting, trivia, going to cider mills, movie parties, study tables, tie-dye parties, and more. Founded in 2009, Motley Crew got its start volunteering at Mott Children's Hospital with a small but dedicated crew. We have since expanded to over 100 members and volunteer at many facilities. We are always looking for ways to improve our ties to the community, the overall club experience for members, and the scale of our events.