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College Club Logo (One Thousand Schools)
One Thousand Schools
Political & Advocacy
One Thousand Schools (OTS), previously Students Helping Honduras (SHH), was founded in 2007 by Shin Fujiyama. One of our main initiatives is funding the construction of 1,000 schools in Honduras. This is the number of schools that will allow every child in Honduras to have access to a quality education. Since its founding, OTS has completed 63 schools.Honduras is the home of major cities like San Pedro Sula, where the murder rate and gang populations are high enough to consistently make them front page news on the New York Times and other prestigious US news sources. In 2009, Shin Fujiyama received a CNN Heroes award for his work in Honduras and appeared on shows like Larry King Live to explain the groundbreaking work One Thousand Schools was facilitating in Honduras. OTS is only able to build schools in Honduras through the fundraising and volunteering provided by high school and collegiate chapters in the United States. 100% of funds donated by a chapter goes directly towards funding the construction of schools in Honduras. Members of those chapters have the opportunity to travel to Honduras and help build the schools they worked hard to raise money for. This is both an incredible learning experience for people and a great motivator for students to continue their fundraising efforts. OTS has a perfect safety record, and each member comes back with a changed perspective and enriched knowledge of life very different from theirs, as well as true hope for what can be accomplished through continued hard work in Honduras building schools and in the United States building chapters.The University of Michigan chapter of One Thousand Schools looks to build a community of passionate, strong-willed University of Michigan students who can help (1) build knowledge and awareness of the University of Michigan campus of the current issues being faced by Honduras and, as a consequence, how those issues translate to current border disputes and international politics, (2) raise money to build schools and donate school supplies to the communities working with SHH in Honduras, and (3) send volunteers on a safe and empowering service trip to Honduras at least once per year to participate in the building of these schools and to learn about the culture and people of Honduras. This organization hopes to build a movement of young UM leaders with the collective goal of empowering and providing fundamental human needs to impoverished children and families in Honduras by promoting awareness through volunteerism and global responsibility.
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Contact : otsumich@gmail.com
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Keywords :
# Activism
# Cultural/Ethnic
# Service/Service Learning