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College Club Logo (Stem Activists for Revolutionary Politics)
Stem Activists for Revolutionary Politics
Political & Advocacy
The goal of SARP is to create an educational and collaborative space where UC Davis students who study science, technology, engineering, or mathematics (STEM) can gather to learn about how political issues relate to STEM. This club seeks to challenge the misconception that STEM is apolitical and in particular impartial to issues regarding social justice and advocacy since the opposite is true: STEM does relate to these issues. One example of this would be how Chevron, a corporate partner of UC Davis, extracts resources from impoverished nations and eviscerates biomes such as the Ecuadorian Amazon rainforest and the Niger Delta for the purposes of obtaining profits and furthering the imperialistic aims of the United States—Chevron is present at every career fair to hire STEM graduates for their imperialistic aims. Moreover, this club will host graduate students, professors, and other knowledgeable individuals, especially those from underrepresented and marginalized groups, to discuss topics regarding the interconnectedness of STEM with societal, political, and economic issues. Thus, not only will SARP provide a space for STEM students to apply their knowledge and abilities for the benefit of their communities through activities and participation in policy advocacy events, but also aims to equip STEM students with the resources and opportunities to go about their career in a more politically conscious manner.
General members : Members : 0
 /  Board members :  /  Board : 0
Keywords :
# Collaboration
# educational
# Political

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