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College Club Logo (Pre-Physical and Occupational Therapy Club)
Pre-Physical and Occupational Therapy Club
Our mission is to foster a community of Pre-Physical & Occupational Therapy students to establish support, resources, and assistance in the quest to enter the fields of Physical & Occupational Therapy.Commitment to the organization includes attending monthly meetings, participating in fundraising events for the club, and engaging in community service and shadowing events.Monthly meetings feature guest speakers such as current physical & occupational therapists (as well as speech-language pathologists, strength & conditioning coaches, & more!), current graduate students, academic advisors, graduate school admissions officers and representatives from GRE prep services.We offer job shadowing opportunities that connect students with physical therapists around the Ann Arbor area and through the University of Michigan Health System.Our organization is an outlet for networking with peers and alumni, allowing you to gain advice from upperclassmen regarding schools, applications, & PTCAS/OTCAS, as well as allowing you to collaborate with other students in Kinesiology & pre-health courses.For more information, you can send our co-presidents Carly Anschuetz and Madison Bray a message at anscarly@umich.edu and mebray@umich.edu. You can also check us out on Facebook and Instagram at @preptotclub or by searching "Michigan Pre-Physical and Occupational Therapy Club"!
General members : Members : ###
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Contact : preptotboard@umich.edu
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Keywords :
# Academic/Honor Societies
# Graduate/Professional
# Science/Technology/Engineering
# Service/Service Learning
# Health & Wellness