PitE Club is an enriching community for students interested in environmentalism, especially PitE students. Together we learn about environmental topics, participate in sustainability focused volunteering, and provide valuable resources toward professional development both at UofM and in the broader workforce. Specific events include the SEAS student mentorship event (BEAR), No Impact Challenge, Pizza with the Professors, themed workshops, and sustainable based social events (like environmental student conferences, hiking, and camping).Our weekly meetings include environmentally themed presentations, planning for events, and the occasional potluck. Past events have included a beeswax wrap making event, a trail-mix bar, documentary screenings, and a plant propagation workshop. Additionally, the club coordinates volunteer opportunities in Ann Arbor for PitE Club members such as volunteering at the Campus Farm, Recycle Ann Arbor, the Maize and Blue Cupboard, the Creature Conservancy, Huron River Watershed Council, and more.In short, PitE Club seeks to connect its members to enriching environmentally-focused experiences and education on campus and in the greater Ann Arbor community.