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College Club Logo (Thai Student Association)
Thai Student Association
International & Multicultural
The Thai Student Association (TSA) at the University of Michigan (UM) is one of the oldest student organizations founded by Thai students in the United States. Established for over fifty years, TSA is a Thai student-based organization which includes Thai and non-Thai members who are interested in Thailand and its culture, politics, people, and other aspects. We have around 100 members including undergraduate and graduate students, visiting scholars and research fellows, building a very diverse group. Other than our various activities at the University of Michigan that have been the social involvement hosted by TSA at UM, our main event of “Thai Night” has been a focal attraction with a joint effort between Thai students at the University of Michigan and Eastern Michigan University (EMU) for many years. We also receive overwhelming support from the Thai community in Michigan, the Michigan Student Assembly, and other local organizations. In the past, our Thai cultural performances and exhibitions have been highly recognized in the community over the years.In addition, TSA has been working closely with the Center for Southeast Asian Studies and the University of Michigan, along with the Tourism Authority of Thailand to enhance the understanding of Thai and Southeast Asian cultures among the community. We also work in collaboration with other student groups such as Vietnamese, Singaporean, and Indonesian student associations to promote our culture.
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Contact : tsa.board@umich.edu
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# Cultural/Ethnic