The Michigan Animation Club (MAC) is dedicated to creating and appreciating animation. Our mission is to provide a safe and fun environment for students across all disciplines and experience levels to: access animation learning resources and information about the industry, explore both individual and collaborative projects, and watch/discuss animation with people who share their love for it. MAC also hosts speaker events with animation professionals, and other events like field trips and collaborations with other orgs! MAC events are dedicated to supporting the animation community at the University of Michigan and/or encouraging members to have fun and build connections. We meet in-person on Fridays, 6-8PM in Design Lab 1 (Room 1321) of the Duderstadt Center on North Campus. If remote, our meetings take place same day and time on our Discord server. Optional animation screenings follow until 9PM! We do not have club dues or an application. To receive meeting info, club + animation announcements, opps, and resources, join our email list here (click "Join Group") and our Discord (we recommend joining both). Also, please connect with us on Instagram ! For any questions or concerns, please contact the current standing President at the email below!