The Wesley Foundation at the University of Michgan
Political & Advocacy
The Wesley Foundation at the University of Michigan --- a campus ministry related to the United Methodist church --- provides a place of community and faith in the midst of college life. Through Bible studies for grads and undergrads, social activities, service projects, movies, Holy Communion, programs, and speakers, we grow together and give the academic life a sense of balance and perspective. We laugh a lot and we care about each other - God is always with us.We strive to be a pluralistic community - academically, theologically, and by age and interest. We are also a community of persons committed to caring, sharing, serving, learning, and growing with each other regardless of ethnic origin, gender, sexual orientation, marital or economic status, handicapping condition, or other human differences. Our common bond is God's love shown through Jesus Christ. Our emphases include concern for the social implications of the gospel in the world and personal growth as Christians.