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College Club Logo (United Students Against Sweatshops at the University of Michigan)
United Students Against Sweatshops at the University of Michigan
Political & Advocacy
United Students Against Sweatshops advocates for the rights of workers worldwide, especially those in the garment industry and especially those that sew apparel for universities. USAS is a national student organization that has existed for decades and has made significant positive impacts on global garment supply chains through our university activism. U of M has a $174 million contract with Nike for our university apparel, and USAS aims to keep the University and Nike accountable to our Code of Conduct ensuring the rights of these workers to collective bargaining, fair wages, and safe working conditions are respected. USAS is also involved in the broader movement to advocate for ethics in textile & garment supply chains.
General members : Members : ###
 /  Board members :  /  Board : ###
Contact : usasumich@umich.edu
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Keywords :
# environmental
# Activism