Visit our webpage for lots of additional information about our team! U-M skater? Check out the 'Prospective Skaters' page where you'll find a link to our interest form and an extensive list of FAQs just for you!) 〽️⛸️ The University of Michigan Figure Skating Club (UMFSC) is a university organization and U.S. Figure Skating (USFS) collegiate team that offers competitive and recreational opportunities for University of Michigan students. During the school year, the UMFSC team competes at the three midwestern USFS intercollegiate competitions and (if we qualify) at the USFS National Intercollegiate Final as well. The intercollegiate competitions include competitive events in freestyle, solo dance, and 'team maneuvers'. In addition, the UMFSC team hosts multiple showcases at our home rink throughout the year. These public performances are a great chance for skaters to perform for fun and show off their talents to family and friends. UMFSC has three practice sessions per week at our campus rink, Yost Ice Arena. These sessions serve not only as a time to practice individual skills and programs but also as an opportunity for skaters to build team friendships. We currently employ two skate coach professionals from the Ann Arbor Ice Cube as coaches for our team. All UMFSC team members must be current, registered members of USFS in order to be eligible to compete. UMFSC does not provide USFS testing opportunities, but many skaters take advantage of the ice time, coaches, and testing sessions offered at nearby rinks, including the Ann Arbor Ice Cube.