WolverineSoft is the premier community for game development at the University of Michigan. Our goal is to provide a friendly community for gamers and game developers and to ensure the success of U of M students in the video game industry. All gamers and developers, no matter their experience level, are welcome to join the group. We are open to artists, musicians, programmers, designers, producers, writers, and anyone else who is interested in making or playing video games. WolverineSoft holds both online and in-person meetings and game jams, and attendance is never required — come join us for whichever meetings and events that you'd like! WolverineSoft also holds a semesterly MDP studio called WolverineSoft Studio. Join a large team of students to create innovative and polished game projects for your portfolio by the end of each semester. Check out and play previous game projects at the WolverineSoft Studio Itch.io or Steam pages. Join our Discord server through this link (bit.ly/wsoft_server) to stay informed about upcoming events, meetings, and activities and hang out with our other members. Our announcements will also be sent to our email list and posted on Instagram, both of which you can join on our Linktree (linktr.ee/wolverinesoft).