ATTENTION: GREEN CAREER CLUSTER MEMBERS On March 15, 2019, CampusLabs phased out its former OrgSync platform, removing Discussion Threads and other key functionality that helped the Green Career Cluster to run efficiently. As a result, this portal will no longer be our home. While we transition the way we share information with our members, please contine to check Handshake, The Career Center’s online database for opportunities. An additional tip: your Handshake account profile allows you to indicate specific “green” industry interests and preferences, and this will help you to learn about both events and opportunities that match your interests! The Green Career Cluster isn’t going away, we are just taking on a new form! Let us know if you are actively seeking opportunities and want to remain part of our Green Career Cluster listserve by contacting cluster advisor Paul Bredderman at Emory’s Career Center ( Reminder: Please don’t miss Green Mentorship Night, a dinner and social event where you can meet your peers and learn about interesting courses, campus organizations, research, and internships they have taken part in! We hope to see you on Thursday, March 28, 2019 from 6:30-8pm in the PAIS Bldg main lobby - students from all years and majors are invited and this event is free.