The Epsilon Epsilon Chapter of Kappa Kappa Gamma at Emory University was chartered in 1959. We are a diverse, genuine, and fun group committed to maintaining satisfactory academic and social lives within the bonds of sisterhood. Together we plan fun events like Tuesday lodge nights and scavenger hunts around campus, enjoy exploring Atlanta on the weekends or hanging out by the pool on sunny afternoons, and host date parties, formals and crush party events. Epsilon Epsilon is home to individuals involved in all aspects of campus activities: sisters write for the Emory Wheel, are active in many different organizations such as TEDxEmory, Women in STEM, Emory EDC, Model UN, Emory EMS, and Mock Trial, endeavor to give back to their community through service opportunities with Volunteer Emory, play varsity sports, and so much more! Nationally, Kappa Kappa Gamma was founded in 1870 and is an international fraternity of over 265,000 women in 140 chapters. We pride ourselves on fostering strong bonds of sisterhood and friendship, ties which originate during our college years and endure long after graduation. Kappa serves as a vital community on campus for the members of Epsilon Epsilon: through our shared experiences in and outside of the classroom, we strive to promote the academic, intellectual, and cultural growth of our members.