Outdoor Emory is Emory University's outdoors club with over 1200 registered members. The club sends an average of two trips per weekend to destinations across the Southeast. Trips include backpacking, caving, day hikes, skiing, white-water rafting, and much more! All trips are substantially subsidized and all-inclusive (housing, transportation, food), enabling greater accessibility to outdoor activities that can normally be quite expensive. In addition to fun trips, Outdoor Emory has monthly general body meetings (GBMs) open to all members which involve food, crafts, activities, and other students interested in the outdoors at Emory! To learn more, attend a GBM, follow us on Instagram, or reach out via email! Link to trip leader application: https://forms.office.com/r/nbRqcfpv4c Link to request equipment rentals: https://recwell.emory.edu/programs/outdoor-recreation.html