Alpha Epsilon Delta, The National Health Preprofessional Honor Society
Alpha Epsilon Delta (AED) is the National Health Preprofessional Honor Society dedicated to encouraging and recognizing excellence in preprofessional health scholarship. Our Chapter here at Northeastern includes undergraduate students on the pre-med, pre-PA, pre-vet, pre-PT, and pre-dental tracks. We also have members who are interested in pursuing careers in research. Our biweekly chapter meetings consist of various activities, including focused discussions, student panels, and guest speakers' lectures. Last semester, members also had the opportunity to attend CPR lessons, suture clinics and participate in club sponsored volunteer activities. Timeline:Applications will be sent out in both the Fall and Spring semesters for an Induction in November and January. If you have any questions, please email us at Thank you for your interest! Requirements to join:- Membership is open to students currently enrolled in chosen health professions, including careers in medicine (allopathic and osteopathic), dentistry, optometry, podiatry, veterinary medicine, and other health care professions requiring post baccalaureate study leading to an advanced degree.- Potential members must have completed at least three semesters or five quarters of health preprofessional studies work by the time of Induction with an overall cumulative GPA of at least 3.20 on a 4.0 scale (A = 4.00) and also with a cumulative GPA of 3.20 in the sciences – biology, chemistry, physics, and mathematics. - The Massachusetts Zeta chapter at Northeastern University will accept Associate Members. - Associate members will be considered full members of the Chapter but will not be formally inducted into it until they meet all the membership requirements. They will have access to all the events, meetings, panels, volunteer opportunities, and the mentorship program and can be elected into committee chair positions. However, they will not be able to run for full e-board positions until they have been inducted. Dues:Membership in Alpha Epsilon Delta is an earned honor for life. There will be no annual dues for returning members for the 2023-2024 academic year. However, there is a one time fee of $90 for newly inducted members which goes to the National Organization. The money sent to the National Organization covers lifetime membership and a certificate.