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College Club Logo (Anime of NU)
Anime of NU
Do you like stories of traveling to a new world and defeating villains? How about stories of love and sacrifice? Maybe you're more into suspense and drama? At Anime of NU, we offer all of that and more! We are a club with one simple objective: to watch and discuss Japanese anime and culture. Every week, we watch a slice-of-life (typically more humorous, romantic, and/or heartfelt) and action (do we need to explain what "action" is?) anime, and we also throw in some seasonal movies and activities. We also act as a social space for members. This is a club where you come, watch a couple of episodes, laugh and cry with everyone, then chat about it afterward. It's a fun time for the whole family!---Our weekly meetings are typically from 7-9pm on Tuesdays (201 Hastings) and Fridays (106 West Village G). More info coming soon!Make sure to join us in Discord here so you can get all the updates and vote on which shows we'll watch!
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Contact : animeofnu81194@gmail.com
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# Creative and Visual Arts
# Special Interest