Our mission is to showcase our exceptional culture by promoting harmony among Ethiopian and Eritrean students. We want to establish a place where students of Ethiopian and/or Eritrean background, as well as those interested in the two cultures, can come together to communicate and form relationships in order to foster social and cultural cohesiveness within our community. We, the Ethiopian and Eritrean Student Association, also known as EESA, strive to cooperate with other Ethiopian-Eritrean groups in adjacent universities in addition to working with the other multi-ethnic organizations here at Northeastern.We will strive to unite students through shared heritage, tradition, and knowledge. We will work to inform and educate students about significant cultural concerns that impact both their local and global communities. We will educate and enlighten our members on the history, customs, and current affairs of the two East African nations. We will endeavor to provide a setting where members can interact and succeed both intellectually and socially. We will invite students who are interested in learning more about Eritrea and Ethiopia. We will promote togetherness among the group's participants, and WE WILL WELCOME EVERYONE.