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College Club Logo (Fiction Addiction Book Club)
Fiction Addiction Book Club
Fiction Addiction is a book club open to all Northeastern students. We read roughly one book a month and meet bi-weekly to discuss them. Contrary to the name of the club, we don't just read fiction! Monthly book club picks are chosen by general member voting on book nominees recommended by all members of the club. We also attend BPL book sales, the Boston Book Festival, local author signings and book store visits. Our club also hosts and annual Blind Date with a Book event, book adaptation movie nights, and collaborations with other clubs related to the books we are reading. This club is for anyone who has an interest in reading or enjoys discussing literary topics with others. Join our Mailing list HERE!Join our Discord server HERE! Follow us on Instagram!Friend us on Goodreads!
General members : Members : ###
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Contact : NEUFictionAddiction@gmail.com
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Keywords :
# Academic Enrichment
# Special Interest