HUski Nordic is Northeastern’s first collegiate Nordic skiing club! Created in 2023, this new student group provides novice and experienced skiers with the opportunity to get out on the snow and improve their skills. As of December 2023, we are a fully recognized club under Northeastern's "club" department (Center for Student Involvement, CSI), but are not a part of the "Club Sports Department".Our club participates in an intercollegiate racing league from December to February, traveling across New England to test our skills against other schools, but encourage beginners and skiers of all levels to get involved! We hold weekly dryland practices on campus year-round and get on snow nearby during the winter.Nordic skiing is a fantastic full-body workout and provides a great chance to meet new people and join our tight-knit community. For more information, check out our main website or reach us through email at Also see us in action on our Instagram page @huskinordic!