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College Club Logo (Husky Competitive Programming Club)
Husky Competitive Programming Club
The Husky Competitive Programming Club seeks to be a group for students interested in the competitive side of computer programming. Whether you want to sharpen your technical interview skills, compete among hundreds of collegiate teams worldwide, or simply just chill and make friends while you solve Leetcode-style problems, HCPC welcomes coders of all skill levels! The gist of competitive programming is basically solving problems fast. "Fast" is both in the sense of algorithmic efficiency (big O) and in the sense of problem solving speed. That may sounds daunting but don't worry. We aim to provide an iterative learning process via informative workshops and practical contests to teach you the skills and techniques needed to succeed. If competitions are your jam, we send several teams each year to compete in ICPC - the International Collegiate Programming Contest, where competitions are held at a qualifying, regional, divisional, national, and international level. Each contest consists of teams of 3 working together to solve a set of challenging problems in a set amount of time. Overall, it's an intense time but a fantastic experience. If you're looking for more competitions, websites such as CodeForces, USACO, and Hackerrank provide contests that we may occasionally take an interest in as well. If you aren't interested in competitions, that's fine too! The skills you learn through our contests and workshops is not only applicable to competitions, but also technical interviews and coding challenges. We invite you to come to our internal contests where you can make friends and brainstorm with others to solve challenging problems. In addition, our workshops aim to provide knowledge on various CP topics such as prefix sums, graph traversal, and dynamic programming. So come through to HCPC! We meet every week on Mondays 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM Eastern Time. Every meeting will be held in East Village 002. Hope to see yall there! If you're interested, we invite you to sign up for our newsletter so you can be updated on what we're up to and when/where we're meeting. Also be sure to join our hub of communication via Discord, where we chat, bond, and post contest links so you can participate in our club, wherever you are.
General members : Members : ###
 /  Board members :  /  Board : ###
Contact : huskycodeneu@gmail.com
Checkbox (selected) Preferred Skills :
Keywords :
# Academic Enrichment
# Competition and Skill Based