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College Club Logo (Korea Campus Crusade for Christ)
Korea Campus Crusade for Christ
Spiritual & Religious
SOON Movement, previously Korea Campus Crusade for Christ (KCCC), is a non-denominational movement committed to helping fulfill the Great Commission in our generation (Matt. 28:18-20) by winning, building and sending in the power of the Holy Spirit! It is our desire that we would be used by God to help reach students and faculty of Northeastern University with the Gospel so that every person on campus will know someone who truly follows Jesus Christ. Weekly Meetings Large Group: Wednesdays @ 7:30-9:30 PM @ Robinson 109 Small Group: If you are interested in joining a small group, please contact any of the leaders below (contact info below). There are various ones that meet throughout the week. Morning Prayer: Tuesday - Thursday 7 AM If you are interested in our organization, please fill out this form so we know how to best contact you!
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# Religious and Spiritual