MEDLIFE Northeastern provides the opportunity for all students interested in global health to participate in in-person Service Learning Trips every semester to partnering communities in Peru, Ecuador, Tanzania, and Costa Rica, where they are introduced to the health disparities that impoverished communities face every day. On a Service Learning Trip, students work in mobile service clinics with local physicians to provide healthcare and work with local and MEDLIFE engineers to build sustainable development projects for the community. Throughout the semester, MEDLIFE NEU offers pre-health students at Northeastern the opportunity to volunteer both locally and internationally, while holding fundraising events for our partnered communities or informational events such as the Healthcare Professional Panel. Our intended audience is any student interested in humanitarianism and/or medicine (pre-med, pre-nursing, pre-dental, i.e. pre-health). Our club holds volunteer events, healthcare workshops, humanitarianism speaker events, and Power Hour fundraising events. Since its establishment, MEDLIFE NEU has raised over $2800 for communities in Peru and Ecuador, which fed over 1,800 people. MEDLIFE Northeastern is a chapter of the national MEDLIFE organization, which is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that partners with low-income communities in Latin America and Africa to improve their access to medicine, education, and community development projects.