The Northeastern University Orchestra is a full symphonic ensemble open to students, staff, and faculty from all backgrounds and majors. It performs music from the baroque to the present day. Its past repertoire includes full symphonies, film scores, romantic and contemporary music, and premieres of new works. Concerts are at the end of the fall and spring semesters. NUSO is open to all currently enrolled students, staff, and faculty. Rehearsals are Wednesdays from 6:15 to 8:45pm at the Fenway Center. Auditions are held for seating only, though cuts may be made at the discretion of the conductor. Auditions begin BEFORE and after the first rehearsal of the fall and spring semesters, with additional times announced at the beginning of each semester. Orchestra is an extracurricular activity, but Membership in NUSO requires enrollment in a free, one-credit elective by registering for MUSC 1906. This course may be repeated for credit. For more information, please contact us at the email AUDITION INFO FOR FALL 2024: