Slow Food Northeastern University (Slow Food NU) is a part of the international Slow Food Movement: "Slow Food believes food is tied to many other aspects of life, including culture, politics, agriculture and the environment. Through our food choices we can collectively influence how food is cultivated, produced and distributed, and change the world as a result."Slow Food NU promotes an increased awareness of the interconnectedness of food, the environment, and human health. Slow Food NU works to increase consciousness about the food system and its relation to social justice through deliberate and meaningful service projects, educational events, and transformative dialogue. These efforts establish and sustain lasting relationships with like-minded student groups, organizations, and initiatives throughout Northeastern’s campus and surrounding Boston neighborhoods. We value the belief that all people deserve food that is good for them, good for the people who grow it, and good for the planet. We are socially conscious learners, advocates, and eaters.We welcome people of all diets.