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College Club Logo (Student Alliance for Prison Reform)
Student Alliance for Prison Reform
Political & Advocacy
SAPR at Northeastern serves as a platform for people to educate themselves and others about the injustices of the current systems of incarceration. We work to educate each other on various prison related topics such as mass incarceration, school-to-prison pipelines, reproductive health in prisons, and other related topics.  Our general body meetings are discussion and presentation based. Throughout the semester we work to provide engaging content and get others involved. We host a 7x9 Solitary Confinement demonstration every fall semester and Feminine Wellness Drive in the spring. Through weekly educational meetings, movie nights, speakers, and other special events, we work to keep college students informed about issues within the prison system.   As a group, we are always welcome to suggestions and new ideas. We love to grow and look forward to expanding our presence on campus and the greater Boston community. Please reach out to us with any thoughts, comments, or suggestions at any time!
General members : Members : ###
 /  Board members :  /  Board : ###
Contact : saprnu@gmail.com
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Keywords :
# Advocacy and Global Impact
# Political Action