***WE DO NOT REGULARLY USE ENGAGE! Check out our Linktree (the globe icon under "Contact Information") to see the best ways to keep in touch with us!***WiCyS is a national organization and global community of women, allies, and advocates who are dedicated to bringing talented women together to celebrate and foster their passion and drive for cybersecurity. As Northeastern University’s chapter of the national organization, we bring this environment of community engagement and career-building to Northeastern and its students.Our intended audience is women interested in cybersecurity, both undergraduate and graduate, looking to have a career in cyber or even just curious and open to learning more about the world of security. NU WiCyS is a close-knit community providing a safe space for an underrepresented niche.Our purpose is to bring passionate and driven women to a united space where they can share their love for cybersecurity. We also strive towards educating people, connecting communities with industry leaders/professionals, connecting students with faculty, and guiding students towards research opportunities. We put a large emphasis on sharing the experiences of upperclassmen to the underclassmen looking for advice and guidance.