We are MSU's only RSO dedicated to appreciating the most abundant group of animals on earth. Insects, spiders, millipedes, scorpions, and others are hated and feared by so many. At Bug Club we help our members learn to appreciate insects and their close relatives through hands-on activities. We handle bugs, do activities like eating bugs, bug bingo, painting with bugs, bug pictionary, and learn about bugs in pop culture, how to take care of pet bugs, and careers in entomology. Our meetings are fun for everyone regardless of knowledge/experience level.Our members create a safe and kind atmosphere encouraging self expression. This is the nature of our organization as we attract those who are capable of looking past irrational fears of bugs which are normalized by our society to see the beauty and value in these misunderstood creatures. Most metings occur at the MSU Bug House where members are surrounded by live and preserved exotic insects and relatives. Our activities provide a way to relax, learn, be creative, and socialize with other kind hearted students at your own pace. Bug Club has no commitments, dues, or obligations. Members attend meetings with activities they find interesting and are expected to be respectful of our live insects and other members. To get more information about the club follow us on Instagram and Twitter (@BugClubMSU) and join our Discord. Bug out! :)