Catholic Spartans is a community serving Michigan State University students who are interested in practicing and growing their faith and developing meaningful relationships with other Catholics. It is based out of St. John’s Catholic Church and Student Center and offers a variety of events and opportunities for participation throughout the week. In addition to daily mass, adoration, and confession, as well as Sunday masses, St. John’s has “Night Mass” every Tuesday and Thursday at 8:45 PM. This is geared toward the student population and many students use these evenings to socialize with fellow Catholic Spartans after mass. Additional mass times can be found on our website. Catholic Spartans hosts many small group Bible studies in every neighborhood on campus. There are also Greek Life and off-campus Bible studies. These groups promote authentic friendship and community through discussion, study, and application of the Bible and Catholic teachings. For those who desire an even deeper investment in their faith, there are weekly men’s and women’s accountability groups that focus on setting goals to bring participants closer to Sainthood. Catholic Spartans also organizes a multitude of social events (game nights, day trips, spikeball, speaker events, praise and worship nights, etc.) throughout the year for students to attend. These also include two weekend retreats in addition to other day retreats throughout the academic year. Finally, for those interested in giving back, there are many service opportunities for students to take part in. St. John’s offers training and opportunities to serve as an altar server, Eucharistic minister, lector, or sacristan in addition to other liturgical ministries. St. John’s can also connect students with other Catholic and Christian service organizations in a variety of areas. Another way to serve is through our Alternative Spring Break program which sends students on service-oriented mission-trips across the country.To check out these opportunities, get more information, or connect with our community, please visit our website, email us, or join our GroupMe (!