Cru is a student-led community passionate about connecting people to Jesus Christ. We host Small Groups all over campus every week and have a weekly meeting known as Real Life. You can learn more about who Cru is below. Get Connected at cruatstate.com Cru is a student-led community passionate about connecting people to Jesus Christ. College is an opportunity in most students’ lives to learn who they are and what they value most. In these years many students experience new things in search of their identity and purpose in life. Cru is a caring group of students who want to listen and learn from one another about what each journey has looked like, and what is being discovered along the way. Cru believes the most important part of this journey is discovering and growing in a relationship with God. We believe we are broken, sinful individuals separated from a holy loving God, but that God sent Jesus as the only way to restore relationship to Him. Believing in Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection allows us to know God personally. We seek to be a community that supports and nurtures others as they explore and pursue their faith. There are inevitable points of confusion where people may question what they thought was true both of the world around them and of themselves individually. Many are not looking for someone to solve all of their problems, but someone who will listen and let them know they are not crazy for having questions. Cru desires to be a community that journeys with you and your relationship with God, sharing experiences of Biblical grace and truth with you that will last a lifetime. Not only this, but we believe God put you where you are for a reason and he has a plan for your life that will impact others at MSU and beyond. It is our hope that as you grow in a Christ-centered community, you will be better equipped and prepared for life after college. We are Michigan State students helping students know Jesus, care for each other, and grow in their faith.Falling Plates