The Law Legion is an organization committed to creating avenues to wellness for students at Michigan State University College of Law. Simply, we encourage and help cultivate social and fun activities. Law School can be draining and stressful, and there is nothing like good times and comraderie to relieve that stress. We facilitate large scale wellness events, while members of our organization host activities on a smaller scale through our Activity Chair positions. Activity Chair roles fluctuate depending on our membership's wants, and can be things like golf, tennis, running, walking, cycling, yoga, pickleball, bowling, you name it. If we need a group for it, come join us and start one! We meet monthly and try to keep our membership informed on all things wellness. You can become a member by filling out this form (, by joining in on one of our meetings, or by requesting to join by emailing one of our Eboard members. And our events will be on the docket!Our Purpose: To create and maintain avenues to active wellness deemed beneficial by participating Michigan State University (MSU) College of Law members.To promote social and health-conscious interactions among the MSU Law community.To develop awareness and understanding of the importance of active wellness alongside other pillars of wellness (academic, emotional, social, etc.).