MSU is a gold-rated institution for integrating sustainability into academics, operations, outreach, and administration. MSU Sustainability partners are here to support you in being spartan green and engaging in activities that help foster just and sustainable impact on campus and beyond.The MSU Office of Sustainability serves as an enterprise resource and convener for advancing sustainability across the university. The office works closely with partners across the institution including the sustainability team in the Student Life and Engagement, the Surplus Store and Recycling Center, MSU Bikes Service Center, MSU Student Organic Farm, W.J. Beal Botanical Garden and many more. MSU Sustainability partners are here to support students passionate about advancing sustainability on campus and beyond, through student-led sustainability projects and programs such as the Spartan Green Living Certification, MSU Eco Reps Fellowship, and the Student Sustainability Leadership Council. Get involved today, join a sustainability-related RSO, and take the MSU Sustainability pledge.