Microfinance is the general term describing financial services offered to those living below the poverty line who would otherwise not have access to such resources. It includes micro-savings accounts, microinsurance, and microloans, which are small loans ranging from $25 to $5,000. Spartan Global offers interest-free microloans to aspiring entrepreneurs in impoverished regions, thereby providing the opportunity for loan recipients to invest in their businesses. Ultimately, this fosters sustainable social and economic empowerment, as it allows these individuals to improve their quality of life, the lives of their families, and their entire community.Microfinance goes beyond philanthropy—it is a powerful, sustainable tool for social and economic transformation. In developing regions where banks are unwilling or unable to extend credit, Spartan Global offers opportunities to those who have been traditionally excluded from financial resources. Without access to loans, savings, or other basic services that are often taken for granted in the United States, it is nearly impossible for people to break free from the cycle of poverty. While philanthropy is able to offer temporary solutions, microfinance provides a foundation for systemic change because once the funds are repaid – as more than 99% are – they are lent back out and the cycle continues.