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College Club Logo (Turning Point USA at Michigan State University)
Turning Point USA at Michigan State University
Political & Advocacy
Educate students about the importance of fiscal responsibility, limited government, and free markets. With innovative messaging techniques and strategic outreach methods TPUSA is able to educate thousands of college students each day. Identify student activists in every corner of the country who believe in limited government and individual liberty. TPUSA activists are the community organizers of the right. Register students to vote. TPUSA has helped thousands of college students apply for voter registration and access vote-by-mail ballots. Empower young activists to get involved in the fight for free markets and limited government. Through building strong campus networks, organizing conferences and training workshops, and equipping activists with the knowledge and strategies needed to combat the left, TPUSA empowers young people to make a difference within their own campus and community. Organize young activists in chapters and networks on colleges across the country. TPUSA believes there is strength in organization, and our activists work tirelessly to build grassroots networks on every college campus in America. Mobilize students who believe in free markets. Email lists don’t mean anything if they aren’t used properly. TPUSA mobilizes its activist networks to get involved in activism, issue-advocacy, public policy education, and grassroots organization.
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Contact : bitzanal@msu.edu
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# Political