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College Club Logo (University Reformed Church @ MSU)
University Reformed Church @ MSU
Spiritual & Religious
Who We AreWe are a church—not a social club, nor a political organization, nor an entertainment center, but a church. We believe every church, in any time at any place, should be characterized by a number of basic elements: corporate worship, expository preaching, missions and evangelism, fellowship, mercy ministry, discipleship, and prayer.  And at University Reformed Church, we strive to be a Christ-centered, Bible based, mission minded, burden-bearing, mercy-ministering, pilgrim people who are passionately and prayerfully committed to making much of God in all of life.What We're AboutWe are confident that the word of God is sufficient to accomplish the work of God. Only God can change a person’s heart. Only God can save sinners. Only God can give you faith to believe the gospel. Our job is simply to announce good news. Which is why we want the Scriptures to be central in all we do — in our sermons, in our singing, in our service to others.We love our city. We love our community. We want to love our neighbors, and single people, and internationals. We love college students. We love the University. And of all the ways we can demonstrate this love to others, we believe the best way is by being a winsome witness to the word of God. It’s really all the power and all the hope we have. But praise God, it is enough.How We WorshipThere is nothing more important in life than worship. We all worship something or someone. The only question is whether we will worship the right One in the right way. At URC we want all of life to be worship to God (Rom. 12:1-2; 1 Cor. 10:31). He is worthy to receive glory and honor and power (Rev. 4:11). In particular, we want our worship services on Sunday to be pleasing to Him. We want our corporate worship on Sunday to inspire and instruct our all-of-life worship Monday through Saturday. To gather with God’s people on the Lord’s Day to worship at God’s throne under the authority of God’s word is our solemn duty and joyful privilege. It is with that supreme goal in mind that we hold to a number of values when it comes to corporate worship.
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Contact : kmcalvey@urcstaff.org
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# Health and Wellness
# Service
# Religious