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College Club Logo (Young Americans for Freedom at Michigan State University)
Young Americans for Freedom at Michigan State University
International & Multicultural
Young Americans for Freedom at Michigan State University is a non-profit, non-partisan, educational organization dedicated to promoting conservative ideas of free enterprise, limited government, and a strong national defense. We are not wedded to any particular political party or candidates for public office: meaning that we advocate for conservative principles without the concern of pleasing Washington interests. Our goal is to provide a visible presence for the Conservative Movement, energize other students, and encourage students to speak out.Young Americans for Freedom is a project of Young America’s Foundation. The two YAF’s united in 2011. The original Sharon Statement, the founding document of Young Americans for Freedom, can be viewed HERE.The Michigan State chapter of the nation's premier conservative activist organization is active in many ways on campus, including weekly meetings, organizing activism projects and hosting conservative speakers on campus. Additionally, we often attend YAF's conferences to hear from speakers as well as network with conservatives from campus's across the country.
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Contact : michiganstateyaf@gmail.com
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Keywords :
# Diversity and Inclusion
# Personal Support
# Service
# Political