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College Club Logo (Board Games Club)
Board Games Club
Outdoor Adventure
Board Games Club is a catch-all organization for all your non-digital gaming needs. If it can be played on a table (or even not), someone in our club will be happy to play it with you! You can also join our mailing list or click here to join our discord to keep up with any future events, meetings, and information related to BGC. You can also follow us on Instagram at @buboardgames.  (1) General meetings are held 7-11pm on Thursdays and are open to BU community members and members of the public with BU connections (i.e., current students, staff, or alumni). Up-to-date information on club meeting location is sent shortly before meetings, both through the mailing list and through Discord.During general meetings, members are free to play from the library of games maintained by the club or to bring games from their own personal collections. These games typically range from lighter party games  (Codenames, Spyfall, Avalon, etc.) to medium and heavy weight games (Betrayal, Power Grid, Terraforming Mars, etc.). ​(2) We try to host Trivia Nights, Escape Rooms, and Murder Mystery Events yearly plus many more events to keep our community engaged and entertained. If any of those events sound interesting to you, you should follow us or join our discord and we will keep you updated! (3) Pitch nights for Tabletop Role Playing Games are held periodically, typically at the beginning of each semester. These events are open to all experience levels and gaming backgrounds and are a great way to jump into the hobby. Interested DM/GMs pitch their campaigns to interested players and are matched into parties based on preferences, schedules, and commitment levels. Other TTRPG offerings are held throughout the semester based on member interest.​⠀(4) Card game specific events and meetings are held contingent on member interest. Card games such as Magic: The Gathering, Yu-gi-oh, Netrunner, and Pokemon TCG are often played at general meetings alongside traditional board games, and tournaments for the most popular of these games are held when possible.​⠀If you are interested in any other non-digital gaming categories (such as Wargaming, longer/legacy games like Diplomacy, traditional games like Mahjong and Go, etc.), BGC is happy to work with you to promote and organize related events or generate interest at general meetings. Feel free to contact us if you have something specific you’d like to play.
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Contact : bubgc@bu.edu
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